Think your kitchen is completely free of gluten? Some foods are obvious sources of gluten, but others are more discreet. In this post, we’re going to reveal some surprising food and products that often contain gluten. Soy Sauce Often viewed as liquid salt, soy sauce may contain small but noticeable amounts of gluten. If you Read More…
The National Institute of Health (NIH) estimates that some 2 million people in the U.S. suffer from the gluten-related autoimmune disorder known as celiac disease (roughly 1 in 122). Many people with the disease prefer to cook and prepare meals from the comfort of their own home, fearing that dining out could result in a Read More…
In an effect to crack down on food companies making wrongful, inaccurate claims, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) recently passed a new labeling standard for foods, beverages, condiments and other products touting the gluten-free label. While labeling is completely voluntary, all products containing it must possess 20 parts-per-million of gluten or less; otherwise, they are Read More…